Effective feedback has been described by Hattie and Timperley (2007) as a system with three components: feed up, feed back, and feed forward. It provides students and lecturers with a threefold insight: clarification of learning outcomes, information about the progress of students and direction for attuning teaching and learning strategies. Feedback is thus a crucial element in the learning process of students. It is therefore that in the context of the Innovative Assessment Methods project, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS) is organising a symposium on the essence and value of an effective feedback system within educational practices at the university. The symposium aims to bring together educators from the University of Amsterdam and beyond who are actively engaged in implementing and developing feedback tools. |
At the end of the symposium the participant has:
Practical information When: Tuesday November 27th Time: Keynote: 13.30-15.15 | Workshops: 15.30-17.00 | Drinks: 17.00-18.00 Where: UvA University Library (Doelenzaal) Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam For who: Lecturers, Programme Directors and Coordinators, Assessment Experts How: Free access; registration required (via website below) Language: English More Information Detailed programme and registration form will be made available shortly via iis.uva.nl/feedbacksymposium Keep me posted About the Innovative Assessment Methods Project Skills such as cooperation, leadership, reflection, etc. are difficult to evaluate based on the standard forms of testing. The IIS supports UvA lecturers who are interested in participating in a pilot aimed at implementing alternative concepts and procedures for assessment, evaluating these new tools and sharing their materials and experiences with others. Currently the IIS has made funding available for 12 projects such as developing tools for assessing objectives such as ‘creative writing’ and ‘collaborative skills’ and implementing methods for developing individualized learning objectives within educational programmes. Note that there is still funding available for courses that start in semester 2 of the current academic year. The application deadline is October 12th. |