|  | Save the date: ASH day June 21 | We invite you all to the ASH day!
During this day you can meet new ASH-members, learn more about current research and connect with others.
From 13:00 - 17:00 at The Doelenzaal (UB C0.07, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, and afterwards we will have a borrel at The Brakke Grond (Nes 45, 1012 KD Amsterdam).
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| Tolerance not driving force for Dutch drug policy | The Netherlands is historically known as a tolerant and progressive country when it comes to our drug policy. We have become world famous as a “drug paradise” with the tolerance of cannabis sales and methadone dispensing to heroin addicts. However, Dutch policy was not driven by a tolerant, non-moralistic vision. The main motivation was to limit the public nuisance, historian Arjan Nuijten shows. |
In his doctoral research, he zooms in on Amsterdam, Arnhem and Heerlen. It shows that Dutch drug policy was not created at the national level, but was largely shaped by local responses to what was going on within municipalities. | |
Vacancy: Professor of Greek and Latin Literature in Context | The Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA) is currently looking for a Full Professor of Greek and Latin Literatue in Context. The successful candidate will conduct research within the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH). The successful candidate will be a member of the Capacity Group Greek and Latin Literature and Culture (GLTC) and in the future also the chair of this group.
Research of this group focuses on classical literature from Homer to Late Antiquity and beyond, including the literary and cultural reception of the classical world in later periods.
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PhD Vacancy: Quantifying Speech Style and Characterization in Greek and Latin Epic | The Amsterdam School for Historical Studies (ASH) of the Faculty of Humanities currently has a vacant PhD position affiliated with the international project DICES (Digital Initiative for Classics: Epic Speeches), led by principal investigators Dr. Berenice Verhelst (UvA) and Dr. C. Forstall (Mt. Allison University, Canada). The main supervisor will be Prof. Dr. Caroline Kroon.
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| Vacancy: Assistant Professor in Global Media Histories | In the context of the sector plan for the Humanities titled Language and Culture, the faculty currently has a vacant Assistant Professor position with a specialization in Global Media Histories supported by an interest in storytelling and/or multilingualism.
You will provide education in a dynamic context with ample opportunities for the development of innovative teaching methods
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Podcast series 'De Joodse Stad' explores the multifaceted history of Jewish Amsterdam | This podcast series explores the history of Amsterdam's Jewish quarter. In this series, UvA researcher Julia van der Krieke talks to various experts as well as local residents to revive the stories of the Vlooienburg and Uilenburg neighborhoods. | |
| Women on the Move | University Library, Doelenzaal, 15:30 - 17:00 | How did women navigate the bustling streets of the early modern city? Where did they go, whom did they encounter, and what boundaries did they face? In this talk, historian Bob Pierik will answer these questions by sharing insights from his dissertation and his new public-facing book 'Zo veel leven voor de deur'. |
| Shut up and Write! | P.C. Hoofthuis, 09:00 - 17:00 | Shut up and Write! is an initiative of ASH PhD representative Elsa Lucassen for ASH PhD researchers. Consider this day a writing retreat close to home. It will be at the UvA, but not in your usual office space. Together with your colleagues you will share a room in silence and help each other refrain from distraction and completely focus on writing for an entire day.
| ESNA 2024 Conference | Kröller-Müller Museum or online, 09:45 - 18:00 | Living apart together? The troubled and treasured relationship between nature and human beings in art 1800-1900.
| PhD Defence: Michel Hoebink | Agnietenkapel, 14:00 | Michel Hoebink, ASH PhD candidate, will defend the dissertation entitled "Taha´s Vision. The Modern Sufi Theology of Mahmud Muhammad Taha 1909-1985" supervised by prof. dr. G.A. (Gerard) Wiegers and prof. dr. H.L. (Herman) Beck.
| Public Lecture by Dr. Melanie Gifford | Doelenzaal, University Library, 16:00 - 18:15 | In this lecture, organised on the occasion of an international Down to the Ground expert meeting, Dr. Gifford will talk about her ongoing research into Dutch seventeenth-century landscape paintings. The ground, the foundational layer of a painting that lies between the canvas or panel and the painted image, is integral to the visual qualities of the finished work, developments in Dutch seventeenth-century landscape offer a microcosm of its evolution.
| PhD Defence: Lola Digard | Agnietenkapel, 13:00 | Lola Digard, ASH PhD candidate, will defend the dissertation entitled "Healing the Civic Body: Forensic Investigation and Biopolitical Strategies in Flemish Towns, 1250-1500" supervised by prof. dr. S. (Serena) Ferente, prof. dr. G. (Guy) Geltner and dr. C.V. (Claire) Weeda.
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