|  | How early modern Venice erased all protests from history | Venice of the 16th and 17th centuries is known as the city without uprisings: in kilometers of archives virtually nothing can be found about unrest and protests in that period.
But is that image correct? Historian Maartje van Gelder discovered that the Venetians were particularly good at smoothing out history. 'Silences and gaps in an archive say at least as much as what is there.'
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Call for Proposals: Midsize Projects in Healthy Future | In its Strategic Plan the University of Amsterdam has set the ambition to strengthen innovative interdisciplinary research for societal impact.
Through this second Call for Proposals for Midsize Projects, researchers are encouraged to form interdisciplinary groups in partnership with non-academic stakeholders. They can apply for projects with a maximum budget of €200k. The grant can be spent on hiring new temporary staff such as postdocs, data scientists and research assistants and other costs (travel, consumables). The duration of the project is max. two years. Two or three grants will be awarded for each theme.
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 | Finishing Fellowships 2025 | Every year the Faculty of Humanities offers a limited number of Finishing Fellowships to self-funded PhD candidates who have succeeded in writing an advanced draft of their thesis without the support of structural funding, to concentrate more exclusively on the completion of their thesis in their last year.
The selected fellows will be offered a temporary contract as a PhD for 0.5 fte for a period of up to 12 months (where relevant, a shorter period with more fte can be accommodated, with a maximum of 6 months 1,0 fte employment).
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Houssein Alloul awarded fellowship at NIAS | The scholarship will allow him to work on his research project for five months. Alloul's project seeks to write Ottoman diplomats back into European history. Moving this multi-religious group of Ottoman officials center stage again, Alloul’s project corrects conventional narratives that often paint the world of diplomats as a singularly Western European one in which non-Western actors played no active part. | |
| NWO funding for two ASH PhD candidates | Ramon Selles (ASH) and Kevin Hoogeveen (ASH) have received funding for their doctoral research at the UvA through the NWO programme PhDs in the Humanities. Financiers are the Programme Office Sustainable Humanities and the NWO domain Social Sciences and Humanities. | |
ASH in the media |
- Weer dalen pamfletten neer in Gaza-Stad (Bart Wallet, Het Parool, 11 juli)
- ‘Vooralsnog is het uitgedraaid op Macron en de chaos’ (Niek Pas, de Volkskrant, 1 juli)
- 'We hebben de geschiedenis van de slavernij altijd goed weten weg te moffelen' (Michiel van Kempen, Omroep Flevoland, 29 juni)
- Joden op Cyprus (recensie van 'Het land achter de zee' van Frans Blom en Vivian Beekman, Historisch Nieuwsblad, 26 juni)
- Het filosofisch kwintet: de rechtsstaat en geloof (Irene Zwiep, HUMAN, 30 juni)
Call for Global Slavery History Fellowships in Amsterdam | A coalition of Amsterdam based Archives, Museums and Historical institutes with the generous support of the Insinger Foundation has taken the initiative for a five-year programme that offers three two-month long fellowships per year for curators, archivists and historians in the field of slavery history, starting in the Fall of 2024. The fellowships are open to professionals working on the history of slavery in the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and the Indonesian archipelago, linked to the Dutch involvement in slave trade and slave labour.
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| In memoriam Frits Boterman | Frits Boterman, emeritus professor of Modern History of Germany after 1750, died completely unexpectedly on May 31, 2024 at the age of 76. An unnoticed aneurysm proved fatal. He had just completed a book on the Weimar Republic, which will be published posthumously in September.
| Read the memoriam written by Willem Melching here → |
| Opening of the 2024-2025 Academic Year | Aula - Lutherse kerk, 15:00 - 16:00 | On 2 September Edith Hooge, will be opening the academic year for the first time as the new President of the Executive Board. The programme will feature an area of research that has excited human curiosity for centuries, but in which there is still much to discover: our universe. |
| Women on the Move | University Library | Doelenzaal, 15:30 - 17:00 | How did women navigate the bustling streets of the early modern city? Where did they go, whom did they encounter, and what boundaries did they face? In this talk, historian Bob Pierik will answer these questions by sharing insights from his dissertation and his new public-facing book 'Zo veel leven voor de deur'. |
Grants | Deadlines
Open Competition XS (round 2) - 27 August Rubicon - 3 September Veni (pre-proposal) - 3 September NWA ORC (full proposal) - 1 October Open Competition M - 31 October IP-themes Midsize Grant - 31 October
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