Brölmann, C.
‘Legal possibilities for amendment of the COTIF revision procedure’, presentation at the 2018 Member States’ (Revision Ctee) session, Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), Bern 27 February 2018.
Brölmann, C.
‘Brexit en verdragenrecht en-praktijk’ (Brexit and treaty law and practice), presentation at Conferentie Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 13 February 2018
Brölmann, C.
‘ Equitable access to […] water for all’ - SDG6 as a connective factor in International Water Law’, paper presentation at Freie Universität Berlin (Joint Interdisciplinary Colloquium, Human Rights under Pressure), 6 February 2018
Donders, Y.
Presentation/participation in the consultation on a Potential General Comment on Sustainable Development and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva 24 March 2018.
Ducheine, P.
Heller, K.
‘ Toward a Jurisprudence of Boredom’ — presentation at the William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal Annual Symposium, Rights Protection in International Criminal Law and Beyond, William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 17 March 2018.
Heller, K.
Heller, K.
‘ The Legacy of the Saddam Trial’ — presentation at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Seminar 2018, The Legal Legacies of the 2003 Iraq War, SOAS, University of London, 26 March 2018.
Meguro, M
‘Creation of Bindingness: Whose Voice Matters?’, Critical Research in Public International Law, Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice, Sweden (11-3-2018)
Nollkaemper, A.
‘Brexit: de transitie van de Europese naar de internationale rechtsorde (Brexit: the transition from the European to the international legal order)’, Key Note speech at Conferentie Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, 13 February 2018.
Schill, S.
‘Internationaler Investitionsschutz und Verfassungsrecht: Vermessung eines neuen Interaktionsmodus in Forschung und Praxis,‘ 10th Meeting of the 'Krickenbeck Circle' on International Investment Law, Cologne, 19-20 January 2018.
Schill, S.
‘Regulating FDI in the EU Legal Framework - Discussant of Paper by Marise Cremona’, Conference on 'Foreign Direct Investment Control in the EU Framework', College d'Europe, Bruges, 2 February 2018.
Schill, S.
‘Inspiration from Mega-Regional Trade Agreements’, THE RTA EXCHANGE DIALOGUE SERIES: RTA Dispute Settlement Provisions: Options for effective enforcement, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)/Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Geneva, 8 February 2018
Schill, S.
‘Investment Arbitration, TTIP and NAFTA after the US/German Elections: Perspectives from both sides of the Atlantic in Times of Turmoil,’ Panel Participation, German-American Lawyer's Association Working Group Day, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 2 March 2018
Schill, S.
‘International Investment Law and Constitutional Law: An Introduction’, Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 9-10 March 2018
Schill, S.
‘MFN Clauses as Bilateral Commitments to Multilateralism’, 4th Annual Conference on Investment Treaties, 'Treaty Shopping and Tools for Treaty Reform, OECD, Paris, 12 March 2018.
Vellioti, C.
‘The obligations of International Organisations as aid donors,’ Critical Law Conference of the Kent Critical Law Society, 17 March 2018.
Vidigal, G.
‘Re-Imagining Communities: The WTO Appellate Body and the Resisted Communitization of WTO Law’, at the Symposium on Current Issues in International Law, to take place at the European University Institute in Florence on 11 May 2018.
de Vlaming, F.
‘Efficiency of ECHR remedies in cases concerning events related to the failed coup and the state of emergency in Turkey, ’ conference organized by the Observatory for Lawyers in Danger, Lawyers for Lawyers, European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights and German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein, DAV), the Law Society (UK), Berlin, 26 February 2018.
de Vlaming, F. and Vlieks, M.
Round table on the use of armed drones, co-organized with PAX, the Nuhanovic Foundation and Amnesty International, with UvA, the Dutch Min of Foreign Affairs and Clingendael and others on 27 March 2018.
War Reparations Center and Syria Legal Network Investigation and prosecution of Syrian war crimes by the international crimes units of the Dutch police and prosecutor, UvA, 23 March 2018.