News |
Maria Weimer and Geraldo Vidigal together with Pola Cebulak, Philip Schleifer and Sebastian Krapohl have been awarded an ACES research grant of 125.000 Euro. The project will begin in mid 2021 and analyses the current challenges to the EU’s external trade relations and explores new institutional pathways and policy innovations for Europe as a global actor. |
Anniek de Ruijter wrote and initiated a Manifesto for setting up a ‘European Health Union' together with others that aims to contribute to current debates in the European Council and the upcoming Conference for Europe. The Manifesto can be signed online and with the help of the Bosch Foundation is organising a series of events, webinars and podcasts as well. |
New Appointments |
Online Events |
Organised and hosted by Assistant Professor Ivana Isailovic |
Professor Philippa Webb & Dr Rosana Garciandia |
Publications by Members |
Blockmans, S From self-doubt to self-assurance: the European External Action Service as the indispensable support for a geopolitical EU. Report of a high-level task force chaired by Pierre Vimont, CEPS/SIEPS/FES, January 2021
Extraterritorial sanctions with a Chinese trademark: European responses to long-arm legal tactics, CEPS Policy Insights, January 2021
de Boer, N. Democratiseer de Europese Centrale Bank. S&D (Socialisme & Democratie), 4.
Broulík, J. Review of Bruce Wardhaugh's book "Competition, Effects and Predictability: Rule of Law and the Economic Approach to Competition", The European Competition and Regulatory Law Review
Isailovic, I. The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage Reforms, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy
Perehudoff, K. An intersectional human rights approach to prioritising access to COVID-19 vaccines, British Medical Journal Global Health, February 2021
de Ruijter, A. et al How a European health union can strengthen global health, The Lancet Regional Health Europe, January 2021
'Public support for European cooperation in the procurement, stockpiling and distribution of medicines', European Journal of Public Health, January 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic: Failing forward in public health. in M Riddervold, J Trondal & A Newsome (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of EU Crises. Palgrave studies in European Union politics, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 747-764
The Dynamic Potential of European Union Health Law, European Journal of Risk Regulation, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 726-735, September 2020
Towards more comprehensive health law and policy research, Health Economics, Policy and Law, vol. 16, no. 1, August 2020.
SSRN Publications and Blogs |
Presentations and Events by Members |
Broulík, J. "Social Capture of US and EU Competition Policy: A Lesson from the Global Financial Crisis" at the 21st Annual Loyola Antitrust Colloquium, Institute for Consumer Antitrust Studies at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, 15-16 April
Dura, S. The European Pillar of Social Rights: how strategic agency shaped the EU's flagship social initiative, 27th International Conference of Europeanists by the Council of European Studies, 21-25 June
Gnes, D. Separation of powers and the informalization of EU external migration policy: the case of informal readmission agreements, CLEER conference Informal law-making in EU external relations: challenges and prospects, 8 April
Isailovic, I. Gender Equality As Investment: EU Work-Life Balance Measures and the Neoliberal Shift, EU Law Section, Association of American Law Schools, Jan. 2021 and Law & Political Economy, Yale Law School, Feb. 2021
Gender & Private International Law: A Transdisciplinary Workshop, May 6-7, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (with Prof. Ralf Michaels)
Morvillo, M. “Why should citizens trust EU regulatory expertise? Legal warrants, science and politics in EU food governance”, Knowledge, Citizenship, Democracy, 14-16 April, University of Groningen.
Perehudoff, K. Business & human rights in public health crises: Evaluating vaccine developers’ behaviour in the Covid-19 pandemic”, WHO Collaborating Center for Governance, Accountability and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector, January 28
Covid-19, the health of minorities and their right to participation, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Right with the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations in Geneva, December 2020
Weimer, M. Governance Reform and Public Acceptance of Regulatory Decision Making: A Survey Experiment on Pesticides Authorization in the EU, Trust & Regulatory Governance in an Age of Crisis, TiGRE webinars February 2021
Members in the Media |
Ankersmit, L. Energiebedrijf RWE denkt meer kans te maken op een Nederlandse schadevergoeding in Washington, NRC, 5 February 2021
Eckes, C. & Bartl, M. Buig niet voor polariserende termen als ‘cancel culture’ en ‘islamolinks’, Trouw, 5 March 2021
Perehudoff, K. Canada: Is ‘me first’ COVID vaccine policy hurting other nations?, Al Jazeera, December 2020
Ringen um globale Impfgerechtigkeit, Deutschlandfunk Kultur article and podcast, February 2021
de Ruijter, A. Denk bij coronavaccin aan sociaal kwetsbaren, NRC, 26 November 2020
The Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance is a research centre at the University of Amsterdam dedicated to the research of European Union Law in the context of the surrounding legal and political systems and wider structures of (global) governance.
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