ACIL Newsletter April 2021
Geraldo Vidigal together with Maria Weimer, Pola Cebulak, Philip Schleifer and Sebastian Krapohl have been awarded an ACES research grant of 125.000 Euro. |
ACIL welcomes new members... |
As part of the new course ‘Sustainable Development and International Law’ developed by Ingo Venzke and Andrea Leiter. |
Joëlle Trampert is researching 'state responsibility for complicity in human rights violations' and explains her research in 3 minutes! |
Frits Kalshoven Competition on international humanitarian law |
Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court competition |
Research output |
Ducheine, P.A.L & Pijpers, P. The Missing Component in Deterrence Theory: The Legal Framework
Ducheine, P.A.L & Boddens Hosang, J.F.R Implementing Article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union: Legal Foundations for Mutual Defence in the Face of Modern Threats
Nijman, J. Ius Gentium et Naturae: The Human Conscience and Early Modern International Law
Pijpers, P. & van den Bosch, B. The ‘Virtual Eichmann’: on Sovereignty in Cyberspace
Vasiliev, S. ECCC Appeals Appraising the Supreme Court Chamber’s Interventions
Judicial Governance Entities as Power-Holders in International Criminal Justice: A Plea for a Socio-Legal Enquiry
Venzke, I. The Law of the Global Economy and the Spectre of Inequality
Vidigal, G. Loophole or Fire Alarm? The Consensus Requirement for the Appointment of Appellate Body Members and the Institutional Design of the WTO
van der Wilt, H. Schreibtischtäter as Superiors and Commanders
Prislan, V. Judicial Expropriation in International Law, International & Comparative Law Quarterly, vol 70
Challenging Domestic Judgments Through Investment Arbitration: Implications for the Forced Labour Litigation in Korea?, Asian Journal of International Law, First View
Venzke, I. Book Review: Anne Saab, Narratives of Hunger in International Law: Feeding the World in Times of Climate Change, Cambridge, 2019 European Journal of International Law (2020).
Vidigal, G. Sequencing: Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law [MPEiPro]
Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law, Journal of International Economic Law |
Brölmann, C.M. International treaties and national sovereignty; with Johan Adriaensen (Maastricht University); Podcast Appèl, 21 Feb 2021
Gill, T. The Use of Force Against Non-State Actors, Jib/Jab The Laws of War podcast, 17 February 2021
Kulamadayil, L. Informed Dissent or Misinformed Rebellion? Making sense of India’s farmer protests. Völkerrechtsblog, 4 February 2021
Have you met Dan Gertler?, Social Europe, 16 February 2021
Wilhelm Röpkes Internationale Ordnung, Riches & Laws blog, 25 March 2021
Labuda, P. Justice Update – Are Preliminary Examinations at ICC working?, 21 December 2020
Presentations & Societal Impact |
Cusato, E ‘Unpacking Transitional Justice: International Law, Memory, Power’ Seminar Series, in cooperation with Melbourne Law School, 24 March. Next seminar is 21 April
Gill, T. The European Centre for Hybrid Threats in the context of their ongoing work on maritime hybrid threats and legal resilience, online training event together with Valentin Schatz from Hamburg University, 9 February
Labuda, P. The International Criminal Court vs. Powerful States: The United Kingdom/Iraq Preliminary Examination and Beyond, 18 February
Leiter, A Commentator in book symposium for Dr Nicolas Perrone ‘Investment Treaties and the Legal Imagination: How Foreign Investors Play By Their Own Rules’, 18 March Mann, J.K. & Touw, N.D. Delocalised justice: The transnationalisation of corporate accountability for human rights violations originating in Africa. The Asser Institute, 25-26 March
Meguro, M. Amnesty and Institutionalisation of Anti-Impunity Norms - For Whose Peace and Justice?, Workshop Series on 'Peace through Punishment or Peace', 30 January 2021
Schill, S. 'How to Become an International Arbitrator', Panel Discussion, Harvard International Arbitration Law Students Association, 19 January 2021
'The Project for a Multilateral Investment Court', Roundtable Debate on ‘European Union and International investment Arbitration’, Milan Investment Arbitration Week, 17 February 2021
Vidigal, G. No Business As Usual: Challenging the IP Protection Framework Now and After COVID-19, Health Action International, 17 March
Panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law 2021, International Trade Dispute Settlement 2.0, March 25
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