News |
Maria Weimer awarded Veni grant by Dutch Research Council |
Dutch Research Council (NWO) awarded ACELG researcher Dr. Maria Weimer a Veni grant of 250,000 euros for her 3-year research project “Making the EU a global leader in fighting deforestation.” Read more.
Kati Cseres and Or Brook win funding for rethinking EU and National Competition Law Enforcement |
Kati Cseres (ACELG) and (former ACELG member) Or Brook (University of Leeds) won funding from the UK’s ESRC Impact Acceleration Account for their project ‘The Priority-Setting Project: Rethinking EU And National Competition Law Enforcement.’ The grant enables them to organise a workshop at the University of Amsterdam in order to disseminate and discuss their findings with academics and stakeholders from various competition authorities as well as to giving training seminars and writing policy reports. Read more.
ACES & ACELG researchers find that Dutch citizens support European solidarity in fighting epidemic |
Dutch citizens are prepared to give the European Union a more central role when it comes to fighting an epidemic. This is the result of a survey conducted before the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis by an interdisciplinary research team from the UvA. Read more.
Or Brook wins Faculty Award 2018-2019 |
Former ACELG researcher Or Brook (now University of Leeds) won the Faculty Award awarded by the University of Amsterdam's Law Faculty. She won the award for her paper 'Struggling with Article 101(3) TFEU: Diverging Approaches of the Commission, EU Courts, and Five Competition Authorities,' published in Common Market Law Review. Read more.
Recognition for ACELG students master theses |
Sylwia Kałaska and Alexandros Ntallas, two students supervised by ACELG members, were both publicly recognised for the outstanding qualities of their master theses. Read more.
ACELG researchers on legal aspects of Covid-19 pandemic |
ACELG researchers Anniek de Ruijter, Hannah van Kolfschooten, Maria Weimer and Filipe Brito Bastos have covered many legal aspects pertaining to the #COVID19 pandemic in various (journal) articles and interviews in recent weeks. See all articles.
Joint book launch Anniek de Ruijter & Maria Weimer |
Ahead of their joint book launch event at Amsterdam Law School, Anniek de Ruijter and Maria Weimer spoke about the limitations in the EU's ability to regulate public health and environmental risks, the 'silent revolution' in health regulation and the short-sightedness in excluding values and socio-economic issues from regulatory dialogue. Read the interview.
UvA students compete at European Law Moot Court regional finals |
After successfully submitting their written briefs in the fictional European Law Moot Court (ELMC) case of 'The Most Magnificent Order of the Cassowary v. The Kingdom of Antares,' the University of Amsterdam’s team was selected to compete in the Regional Finals held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 7 and 8 February. Read more.
New ACELG members |
Public enforcement of EU data protection laws |
Nathalie McNabb joined ACELG as external PhD candidate, with a focus on EU data protection law. Her research looks at the public enforcement of EU data protection laws by national Data Protection Authorities (DPAs). Read more.
Consumer behaviour & consuming as behaviour |
In September 2019, Yannick van den Berg started his PhD research at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance and the Centre for the Study of European Contract Law. Yannick will be doing research in the sector plan ‘Sustainable Global Economic Law’ which is a collaboration between different research centres at the University of Amsterdam. Read more.
Distortion of competition policy by private interests |
Jan Broulík joined ACELG this summer as Assistant Professor in European Law. He will be teaching and coordinating a variety of master and bachelor courses, and especially competition law. Read more.
Publications by ACELG members |
Blockmans, S. et al. 'Reinforcing EU-NATO Cooperation – Walking the Talk?', in R.A. Wessel and J. Odermatt (Eds.), Research Handbook on the European Union and International Organizations (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2019), 411-428
Brito Bastos, F. ‘Editorial: Accountability and control across a changing, multilevel administration – Accountability and control across a changing, multilevel administration,’ in ‘Special Issue: Accountability and Control of European Multilevel Administration,’ Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw), 2019/1 (September), Paris Legal Publishers, Zutphen
Brito Bastos, F. Editor of ‘Special Issue: Accountability and Control of European Multilevel Administration,’ Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw), 2019/1 (September), Paris Legal Publishers, Zutphen
Curtin, D., Brito Bastos, F. 'Interoperable Information Sharing and the Five Novel Frontiers of EU Governance: A Special Issue' (2020) 26 European Public Law, Issue 1, pp. 59–70
Eckes, C. ‘The autonomy of the EU legal order,’ in ‘Europe and the World: A law review,’ UCL Press, 5 February 2020
Eckes, C. ‘Disciplining Member States: EU Loyalty in External Relations,’ Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 1–21, 12 March 2020
Morvillo, M. ‘The General Court Orders Disclosure of Glyphosate-related Scientific Studies: Tweedale, Hautala, and the Concept of Environmental Information in the Context of Plant Protection Products,’ European Journal of Risk Regulation, Cambridge University Press, 10(2), pp. 419–427
Morvillo, M. ‘Glyphosate Effect: Has the Glyphosate Controversy Affected the EU’s Regulatory Epistemology?’ European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1–14.
Schrauwen, A. Annotation of CJEU case C-89/18, ECLI:EU:C:2019:580, in: Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht aflevering 12, 2019/157
Smits, R. One update of the list of banking union-related cases published on the website of the European Banking Institute (EBI): Overview of court cases on the banking union, update of 11 February 2020 Smits, R. ‘A National Measure Annulled by the European Court of Justice, or: High-level Judicial Protection for Independent Central Bankers: ECJ 26 February 2019, Cases C-202/18, Ilmārs Rimšēvičs v Republic of Latvia, and C-238/18 European Central Bank v Republic of Latvia, ECLI:EU:C:2019:139,’ European Constitutional Law Review, Cambridge University Press, 10 March 2020, pp. 1–25.
Zeitlin, J., Nicoli, F (eds.) ‘The European Union beyond the Polycrisis: Integration and Politicization in an Age of Shifting Cleavages,' Routledge, 2019
Zeitlin, J., Nicoli, F., Laffan, B. ‘Introduction: the European Union beyond the polycrisis? Integration and politicization in an age of shifting cleavages,’ Journal of European Public Policy, 2019, 26:7, 963-976
SSRN publications |
Brito Bastos, F., Ruijter, A. de ‘Break or Bend in Case of Emergency? Rule of Law and State of Emergency in European Public Health Administration,’ Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-38.
Broulík, J. ‘Social Capture of EU Competition Policy,’ Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-36; Jean Monnet Working Paper No. 09/18.
Cseres, K. ‘Rule of Law Challenges and the Enforcement of EU Competition Law a Case – Study of Hungary and Its Implications for EU Law,’ Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-51; Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Research Paper No. 2019-05 // Published in Competition Law Review Volume 14, 2019
Cseres, K. ‘The Implementation of the ECN+ Directive in Hungary and Lessons Beyond,’ Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-40; Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Research Paper No. 2019-03.
Cseres, K. 'Postal Consumers in the EU and in Local Markets: From Users of Universal Services to Users of All (Digital) Postal Services How Does EU and National Law Facilitate Consumers in the Digital Postal Market?’, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-39.
Cuccuru, P. ‘Interest Representation in European Standardisation: The Case of CEN and CENELEC,’ Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-52.
Eckes, C., Barnhoorn, D. ‘Commercial Data Transfers and Liaison Officers: What Data Protection Rules Apply in the Fight Against Impunity When Third Countries are Involved?’, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-42.
Zeitlin, J., Overdevest, C. ‘Experimentalist Interactions: FLEGT and the Transnational Timber Legality Regime’, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES) Research Paper No. 2019/4
Zeitlin, J., Rangoni, B. ‘Is Experimentalist Governance Self-Limiting or Self-Reinforcing? Strategic Uncertainty and Recursive Rulemaking in EU Electricity Regulation,’ Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES) Research Paper No. 2019/7
ACELG blog posts |
ACELG visiting researchers & guest speakers |
Researching Assisted Dying in Europe |
ACELG visiting fellow Adam McCann (University of Exeter) speaks to us about the joys and pitfalls of teaching, the interplay between research and teaching and his research on assisted dying in Europe. Read more.
On the privilege of researching on the fault lines between law, history and political sociology |
ACES-ACELG visiting fellow Antoine Vauchez (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) speaks to us about the influence of the Italian mafia on his early research career, the beauty of his progression as a researcher almost without noticing it and on the fault lines of his interdisciplinary research. Read more.
The World as its Ambition |
Our guest speaker Elaine Fahey (City, University of London) speaks to us about her work in mapping the EU's global ambitions, the EU's promotion of convergence and its struggle with increasing institutionalisation. Read more.
Incomprehensible! On redesigning the law |
Following her guest lecture, Wendy Wagner (University of Texas at Austin) speaks to us about the many facets of incomprehensibility in legal texts and law practice. She also suggests approaches to overcome incomprehensibility in law. Read more.
On fairness, the pleasure of working with students and EU Law |
Following her guest lecture, ACELG visiting fellow Tammy Hervey (University of Sheffield) speaks to us about her early drive to establish as much fairness as possible, her pleasure in collaborating with students and her commitment to EU Law beyond Brexit. Read more.
Intersectionality theory, Non-Discrimination Law and Iranian Women |
ACELG visiting researcher Shiva Bazargan (University of Shahid Beheshti) is researching intersectionality theory and its impact on anti-discrimination law with an emphasis on Iranian women. She holds a bachelor's degree in Law from Tabriz University and a master’s degree in Public law from the University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran. Read more.
Or Brook on a novel approach to EU Competition Law |
Former ACELG PhD researcher Or Brook (University of Leeds) talks to us about the benefits of her fairly uncommon, empirical approach to studying EU Competition Law, which entailed the manual coding of over 3000 cases. Read more.
Presentations by ACELG members |
Ankersmit, L. Invited as speaker at ‘Roundtable on CETA,’ Dutch House of Representatives, The Hague, 6 November 2019
Barnhoorn, D. Presentation on ‘Intensified Operational Cooperation in Europe: Liaison Officers as Key Role Player in EU External Administrative Action’ at the young researcher workshop and roundtable on ‘Mobility and Security in Europe: The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs,’ Leiden University, 14 June 2019 Besselink, L. Discussant at the roundtable discussion on ‘The Strength of the Cultural Argument in today’s Europe,’ at the ‘A Cultural and Identity Related Shift in European Law?’ conference, Université Paris 2, Sciences Po and CMLRev, Paris, 11 October 2019
Besselink, L. Keynote presentation on ‘Rule of Law Problems as Problems of Democracy,’ at the ‘30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Rule of Law in the European Union’ conference, Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, Stockholm, 14-15 November 2019
Besselink, L. Discussant of Yann Loran’s (Université Paris Est/KU Leuven) paper on ‘Theoretical and Practical Challenges of Legislative Concretization of EU Fundamental Rights,’ as part of the workshop ‘Current Shapes of EU Constitutional Law (II),’ 24th IUS Commune congress, KU Leuven, Leuven, 29 November 2019
Besselink, L. Opening speech ‘Staatsrechtsconferentie 2019,’ University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 13 December 2019
Brito Bastos, F. Presentation on 'Derivative illegality in European Composite Administrative Procedures' at the ‘Young Scholar’s Award 2019’ ceremony of the Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL), Freiburg, 9 June 2019
Brito Bastos, F. Lecture on ‘National Authorities as Amministrati? Towards a Theory of EU Second-Order Administration,’ University of Rome ‘La Sapienza,’ Rome, 11 June 2019
Brito Bastos, F. Chair of workshop session on ‘Judicial challenges linked to the multi- and cross-level effects of the final decision’ at ‘Judicial and extra-judicial challenges in the EU multi- and cross-level administrative framework’ workshop, Maastricht University, 8-9 July 2019
Brito Bastos, F. Presentation on ‘EU executive federalism’ at the Europa Institute, Leiden University, 16 October 2019
Brito Bastos, F. Presentation on ‘The Rule of Law in EU Composite Procedures', VI RIDE Conference, Madrid, 13 December 2019
Kuijper, P.J. Keynote speech on ‘Is the EU well-equipped to confront its international responsibilities?’, European Court of Justice/European Society of International Law symposium on ‘Adjudicating the International Responsibility of the EU,’ Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg, 14 June 2019
Kuijper, P.J. Keynote speech on ‘Long Term Trends and Short Term Wavelets in EU External Relations. Where would we be without the Court?’ 5th CLEER Summer School on the Law of EU External Relations, CLEER & T.M.C. Asser Institute, Maastricht University Campus Brussels, Brussels, 24-28 June 2019
Kuijper, P.J. Introduction on ‘Case C-244/17, Commission v. Council (Kazakhstan EPCA),’ at the Fourth Leuven-Salamanca Seminar on ‘EU External Relations Law: Recent Developments,’ KU Leuven, Leuven, 15 July 2019
Morvillo, M. Presentation on ‘EMA, Risk Regulation, and Accountability through Courts. The case of medicinal products,’ at UACES 49th Annual Conference, Lisbon, 1-4 September 2019
Morvillo, M., Brito Bastos, F., Weimer, M. Co-organisers ACELG Annual Conference 2019 on ‘Expertise, participation, and EU law - a constitutional perspective,’ University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 8 November 2019
Morvillo, M. Co-organiser ‘Governing (with) numbers: economic indicators and the budget decision in the Constitutional State,’ University of Bologna, Bologna, 17-18 October 2019
Schrauwen, A. Lecture on ‘The Best Interests of the Child in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice,’ City, University of London, London, 15 October 2019 Schrauwen, A. Presentation on ‘The Rights and Principles of the European Social Pillar,’ at the international seminar on ‘European Labour Law Perspectives – Enhancing the Social Pillar,’ University Carlos III, Madrid, 8 November 2019
Smits, R. The ECB and the rule of law, presentation at the ECB Legal Workshop 2019, following the ECB Legal Conference 2019 Building bridges: central banking law in an interconnected world, Frankfurt am Main, 3 September 2019
Weimer, M. & Morvillo, M. Presentation on ‘Addressing the democratic concerns of EU regulatory science – what role for the CJEU?’ at the ACELG Annual conference on ‘Expertise, participation, and EU law. A constitutional perspective,’ University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 8 November 2019
Weimer, M. & Morvillo, M. Presentation on ‘Addressing the democratic concerns of EU regulatory science – what role for the CJEU?’ at ERF Roundtable on ‘Implementing Risk Management through Science, Guidelines and Comitology: Strengthening Governance of the EU’s Administrative State,’ with leading academics and policymakers, Brussels, 19 November 2019
Zeitlin, J. Presentations on ‘Experimentalist Interactions: The Emerging Timber Legality Regime and Transnational Forest Governance,’ and ‘Brexit: Taking Back or Losing Control?,’ at Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics on ‘Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined,’ New York, 27-29 June
Zeitlin, J. Presentation on ‘Why Brexit? Why No Brexit Yet? Whither Brexit?’, Machiavelli X Alumni Event ‘Brexit Explained,’ Boom Chicago, Amsterdam, 31 October 2019 Zeitlin, J. Keynote presentation on ‘United in Diversity? European Regulation between Uniformity and Differentiation,’ at ‘Towards a New World Order? Past and Present Reflections’ seminar, Norwegian Business School (BI), Oslo, 1 November 2019
Zeitlin, J. Presentation on ‘EU-Mercosur: Fighting or Abetting Deforestation?’ as part of debate on ‘The EU-Mercosur Trade Deal: Putting Economic Gain over the Environment?’, Study Association for European Studies (SES), University of Amsterdam, 21 November 2019
Zeitlin, J. Keynote speech on ‘Experimentalist Interactions: Joining Up the Transnational Timber Legality Regime,’ as part of emerging workshop on ‘Power Sharing or Power Shifts? Examining the Role of Public-Private Interactions in Global Governance,’ Center for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies, TUM School of Governance, Technische Universität München, Munich, 28-29 November 2019
Zeitlin, J. Panelist at roundtable on ‘National Social Dialogue and the European Semester: What Role for the EU?’, INVOTUNES Horizon 2020 project final conference on ‘Social Partner Involvement in the European Semester,’ European Social Observatory (OSE), Brussels 3 December 2019
ACELG members in the media |
Hommes, W. Interview about the role of the judiciary and recent case law on the ECHR with an eye on the separation of powers, WNL Haagse Lobby, NPO Radio 1, 13 January 2020
Schrauwen, A. Interview for ‘Brexit Brits Abroad’ podcast on ‘The Netherlands and Their British Residents in a Time of Brexit,’ 18 October 2019
Smits, R. Quoted in: Mendez-Barreira, V. ‘Dutch governor attacks ECB’s new stimulus,’ Centralbanking.com, 13 September 2019 (paid access only)
Smits, R. Quoted in: Ballegeer, D. ‘In Karlsruhe tikt een bom onder de eurozone,’ Het Financiele Dagblad, 22 September 2019 (paid access only)
ACELG researchers on the Coronavirus pandemic |
Ruijter, Anniek de, McKee, M., Flear, M. ‘Brexit threatens UK’s ability to respond to a future pandemic,’ The Guardian, 14 March 2020
Ruijter, A. de, Weimer, M. ‘The Covid-19 crisis: lessons from Risk Regulation for EU leaders,’ EU Law Live, 13 March 2020
Ruijter, A. de ‘Wat hebben we aan de Europese Unie bij deze pandemie?’, VPRO Bureau Buitenland, 12 March 2020
Ruijter, A. de ‘Europe fails to help Italy in coronavirus fight,’ Politico, 7 March 2020
Ruijter, A. de, Schultsz, C., Pell, C., Vries, D. de ‘UvA scientists explain the implications of the coronavirus,’ University of Amsterdam, 5 March 2020 Ruijter, A. de, Flear, M., McKee, M. ‘Coronavirus shows future access post-Brexit to the EU’s health security system remains vital,’ The Telegraph, 4 March 2020
Ruijter, A. de ‘Mag je je verzetten tegen quarantaine? En nog 5 juridische vragen over het coronavirus’, Het Parool, 14 February 2020
Ruijter, A. de 'Five legal questions about the coronavirus', University of Amsterdam, 4 February 2020
Ruijter, A. de, Flear, M., McKee, M. 'Coronavirus shows how UK must act quickly before being shut out of Europe’s health protection systems', British Medical Journal, 31 January 2020
Ruijter, A. de, Kolfschooten, H. 'Denk aan rechten bij aanpak virus', NRC, 28 January 2020
Brito-Bastos, F., Ruijter, A. de ‘Break or Bend in Case of Emergency?: Rule of Law and State of Emergency in European Public Health Administration’, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 14 January 2020
The Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance is a research centre at the University of Amsterdam dedicated to the research of European Union Law in the context of the surrounding legal and political systems and wider structures of (global) governance.