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Amsterdam Law School
ACELG Update
ACELG Update
June 2019

The ACELG Update informs you about forthcoming events, as well as publications and presentations by members of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance.

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Filipe Brito Bastos, postdoctoral researcher at ACELG, was one of the four recipients of the Young Scholars Award of ReNEUAL (Research Networks for European Administrative Law) at its 10th year anniversary conference in Freiburg. The prize is intended to distinguish and encourage the work of the newer generation of scholars engaged in the research of European administrative law.

In May and September 2019, the Institute of Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Kati Cseres (UvA/ACELG), is organising a training programme for Central and Eastern European judges in EU State aid law.

ACELG invites recently graduated PhD researchers to apply for a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with ACELG.
Forthcoming ACELG events

‘EU Democratic Deficits? Two challenging views,’ 3 July 2019
ACELG guest lectures by Prof. Päivi Leino-Sandberg (University of Helsinki) and Eógan Hickey (University of Amsterdam) on 3 July 2019.

‘Summer School on European and Transnational Rulemaking,’ 8 - 12 July 2019
Organised by ACES, ACELG and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, this summer school will bring together PhD candidates, advanced master students, and postdoctoral researchers (<3 years since PhD) with senior scholars from the fields of political science, law, sociology, and international relations to discuss key analytical issues and empirical research in progress on European and transnational rulemaking.
Presentations by ACELG members

Besselink, L.
Presentation ‘Courts protecting democracy? Restoring the “separation of parliaments’ at the event ‘Separation of powers within and beyond Europe. The evolution of a foundational concept,’ Luiss University, Rome, 12 April 2019

Besselink, L.
Seminar presentation ‘The Rule of Law and Democracy: Courts and Politics,’ Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies, University of Copenhagen, 17 June 2019

Boer, N. de
‘Political Political Theory and the Legitimacy of Judicial Review, ’ talk at the Spring meeting of the Netherlands Association for Philosophy of Law (VWR), Utrecht, 6 June 2019

Cabrita, T.
Presentation of the paper ‘When Lawyers Converse: the role of European Community lawyers in dialoguing with the UN International Law Commission,’ at the annual conference ‘The Contribution of the Legal Services of the European Institutions to European Union Law,’ Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt/Main, 18-19 May 2019

Cseres, K.
Interview with Dutch public radio news show ‘VPRO Bureau Buitenland’ on the relationship between Hungarian academia and the Hungarian government, VPRO Bureau Buitenland, 19 June 2019

Eckes, C.
Presentation ‘Combating money laundering and terrorist financing’ at the 11th Network Europe Conference: ‘Challenges, risks and threats for security in Europe’, Warsaw, 19 – 22 May 2019

Eckes, C.
Presentation ‘Tribunals as Lawmakers’ at the FBE General Congress, Barcelona, 31 May 2019

Eckes, C.
Presentation ‘EU Human Rights Sanctions Regime: Is the Genie out of the Bottle?’ at the EUI MWP Multidisciplinary Research Workshop ‘European Transnationalism Between Successes and Shortcomings: Threats, Strategies and Actors under the Microscope’, Florence, 17 May 2019

Eckes, C.
Presentation for the EBN meet-up ’Een Nieuw Sociaal Contract voor Europa,’ Europeese Beweging Nederland, The Hague, 4 June 2019

Morvillo, M.
Presentation of the paper ‘Transparency of scientific advice in the context of EU agencies: EFSA, ECHA and EMA compared,’ at the workshop ‘Expertise and policy-making – comparative perspectives,’ Leiden University, The Hague, 13-14 May 2019

Morvillo, M.
Participation in the panel ‘Law & Politics,’ as part of the ‘Science and Politics of Glyphosate Workshop,’ Erasmus University Rotterdam, 6 June 2019

Morvillo, M.
Presentation of the paper: ‘From Contestation to Accountability in EU Pesticides Regulation: the Case of Glyphosate,’ at the 13th Max Weber Fellows June Conference Badia Fiesolana on ‘Drivers and consequences of transformation,’ European University Institute, Florence, 12-14 June 2019

Weimer, M.
Participation in the ‘Roundtable on the Interrelation of Glyphosate Science and Policy,’ as part of the ‘Science and Politics of Glyphosate Workshop,’ Erasmus University Rotterdam, 6 June 2019

Weimer, M.
Participation in the workshop ‘Asia and the Global Reach of European Union Law,’ European University Institute, Florence, 10-11 June 2019

Zeitlin, J.
Roundtable on ‘Brexit: Taking Back or Losing Control?; “Experimentalist Interactions: The Emerging Timber Legality Regime and Transnational Forest Governance’, presentation to Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, New York, 27-29 June 2019; co-organizer, Regulation and Governance Research Network

Zeitlin, J.
‘Experimentalist Interactions: The EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Initiative and Transnational Forest Governance,’ presentation to the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) International Biennial Conference, Denver, 9-11 May 2019, 

Zeitlin, J.
‘The Influence of the European Semester on National Reforms: Analytical Framework and Empirical Synthesis,’ presentation to the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) International Biennial Conference, Denver, 9-11 May 2019

Zeitlin, J.
‘United in Diversity? European Regulation between Uniformity and Differentiation,’ presentation to Research Colloquium on Innovation in the Public Sphere, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, 25 April 2019

Zeitlin, J.
After Brexit? Post-Mortem and Future Prospects”, roundtable discussion at SPUI25, 1 April 2019
Publications by ACELG members

Besselink, L. and Claes, M.
‘The Netherlands: The Pragmatics of a Flexible, Europeanised Constitution.’ In: Albi, A. and Bardutzki, S. (eds.), National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law. Asser/ Springer Verlag, Berlin 2019, pp. 179-220.

Besselink, L., Michel, B., Swider, K.
‘The impact of the UK’s withdrawal on institutional setup and political dynamics within the EU,’ report commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, Brussels, 2018

Blockmans, S. and Russack, S. (eds.)
‘Representative Democracy in the EU - Recovering Legitimacy,’ 2019, Brussels/London: CEPS / Rowman & Littlefield International, 375 pp.

Blockmans, S.
'An EU Law Perspective on the Belt and Road Initiative', in X. Yang (Ed.), Proceedings of the first Forum on the Belt and Road Legal Cooperation: Rules and Coordination (Beijing: Law Press) 2019, 73-75 (in Chinese) and 283-286 (in English)

Blockmans, S. and Hu, W.
'Systemic Rivalry and Balancing Interests: Chinese Investment Meets EU Law on the Belt and Road', CEPS Policy Insight No. 2019-04, 21 March 2019

Boer, N. J. de
‘Politieke Unie,’ 2019 (3), Socialisme en Democratie, Den Haag.

Cabrita, T.
Book review of: ‘Understanding the EU-led ‘pandemic’ of constitutional foreign policy objectives - Joris Larik, Foreign Policy Objectives in European Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2016), pp. 368.’ European Constitutional Law Review, 15(1), 171-180.

Schrauwen, A.
‘De Europese Unie en het Nederlandse migratierecht en – beleid anno 2030,’ Journaal Vreemdeingenrecht, maart 2019, p. 32-39

Smits, R.
‘Reflections on euro area banking supervision: context, transparency and culture from an institutional law perspective,’ Chapter 8 in Gianni Lo Schiavo (ed.), ‘The European Banking Union and the Role of Law,’ Elger Financial Law, pp 130-154.

Smits, R.
Three updates of the list of banking union-related cases published on the website of the European Banking Institute (EBI): Overview of court cases on the banking union, updates of 29 April 2019, 4 June 2019 and 14 June 2019

Smits, R. and Badenhoop, N.
‘Towards a single standard of professional secrecy for supervisory authorities – A reform proposal,’ 2019, in: European Law Review. 44, pp. 295-318.

Zeitlin, J. and Nicoli, F. (eds.)
‘The European Union beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and Politicization in an Era of Shifting Cleavages,’ special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, 4 June 2019

Zeitlin, J., Nicoli, F. and Laffan, B.
Introduction: The European Union beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and Politicization in an Age of Shifting Cleavages,’ Journal of European Public Policy, 4 June 2019
ACELG blog posts

Smits, R.
‘Challenging a bank’s license withdrawal by the ECB: can the bank act or can its shareholders?,’ European Law Blog, 2 May 2019
ACELG members in the media

Besselink, L.
Sharing expertise on the EU for the article ‘NUcheckt: 21 lidstaten hebben EU-lidmaatschap in de grondwet staan,’ nu.nl, 21 May 2019

Eckes, C.
‘Europese burgers hebben nu juist meer macht,’ interview with Christina Eckes by Caroline de Gruyter for Dutch newspaper NRC, 2 May 2019.

Eckes, C.
BNR Nieuwsradio interview with Christina Eckes and Paul Tang on the elections to European Parliament, BNR Nieuwsradio, 15 May 2019

Eckes, C.
Interview with late night radio show 'Met het Oog op Morgen' on the elections to the European Parliament, Radio 1, 18 May 2019

Eckes, C.
TV interview to analyse the results of the elections to the European Parliament, NOS Nieuwsuur, 27 May 2019

Eckes, C.
Several interview fragments in the documentary ‘Picture of EU,’ 2019
ACELG guests
Is there a socio-psychology of jurisprudence?

Following his participation in the workshop on 'Autonomy of the EU legal order,' Francisco de Abreu Duarte (European Parliament) speaks with us about the socio-psychology of jurisprudence, the relationship between EU law and International law and the importance of practical experience with law-making and the application of law for legal scholars.
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The Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance is a research centre at the University of Amsterdam dedicated to the research of European Union Law in the context of the surrounding legal and political systems and wider structures of (global) governance