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On 1 September , Prachi Agarwal joined as a PhD researcher in European Law with the Amsterdam Centre for European Law & Governance (ACELG) and Sustainable Global Economic Law (SGEL) at the University of Amsterdam. Her research explores the EU laws governing markets and economy with a focus on equality issues while also engaging with issues of political economy. Her research will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Annette Schrauwen, Dr. Ivana Isailović and Dr. Giacomo Taguiri.


Prior to beginning her PhD, she obtained her Master’s Degree in Law (LLM) in European Competition Law and Regulation (International and European Law) at University of Amsterdam (2023). She has previously worked as a competition lawyer with law firms in India and also as a Research Assistant  at the Competition Commission of India. She also holds a LLM in Business Law from RGNUL in India (2014).