Healthy PhD practices

Wednesday 16 Mar 2022, 13:00 - 18:00
Forum zaal
Van der Goot Building
Campus Woudestein
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In the context of the national sector plan, Erasmus School of Law is organising a conference ''Healthy PhD Practices'', on 16 March 2022, in Rotterdam.

One of the KPI’s in the sector plan is to shorten the average duration of PhD trajectories in the coming years, in which the ‘PhD culture’ is of great importance.  


Moderator: Professor Karin van Wingerde


12.15 - 13.00

Walk-in with sandwiches
13.00 - 13.15Opening by Professor Harriët Schelhaas, Dean Erasmus School of Law
13.15 - 14.00Plenary session by Professor Marijke Malsch
14.15 - 15.00Workshops 1 and 2 (parallel sessions)
An articles-based PhD in Law (English)
Progress monitoring (Dutch)
15.00 - 15.15Coffee break
15.15 - 16.00 

Workshops 3 and 4 (parallel sessions)
Mental well-being of PhD researchers (English)
Size and scope of dissertation (Dutch)

16.00 - 16.15Coffee break
16.15 - 17.15Closing panel discussion, chaired by Professor Ivo Giesen
17.15 - 18.00Drinks

The conference will start with a plenary session: Doctoral thesis: test of competence or life's work?, by Professor Marijke Malsch, Open University.

After that, there will be two rounds of two parallel thematic workshops. You can find the details on the workshops, and an overview of the workshop leaders and workshop panel members here:

The workshop leader will start with a short introduction about the topic and introduce a few propositions. These propositions will be discussed with the co-panellists (senior and early-career researchers), followed by an open discussion and questions from the audience.

PhD on articles: what does a PhD on articles imply for the work process and the culture?

Workshop leader: Professor Evert Stamhuis (Erasmus University)

Workshop panelists: Professor Pauline Westerman (Groningen University); ); Professor Monica Claes (Maastricht University); Elco Nab, LLM (Radboud University); Sophie Harleman, LLM (Utrecht University)

Progress monitoring: the role of the go/no go decision and the progress monitoring aimed at PhD completion in 4 years.

Workshop leader: Dr Koen Swinnen (Erasmus University)

Workshop panellists: Dr Michael Milo (Utrecht University); Professor Albertjan Tollenaars (Groningen University); Jessie Pool, LLM (Leiden University); Hannah van Kolfschooten, LLM (University of Amsterdam)

Mental wellbeing of PhD researchers: an important theme that also affects the (timely) completion of the PhD programme.

Workshop leader: Dr Federica Violi (Erasmus University)

Workshop panellists: Professor Janet Thompson Jackson (Washborn University, visiting professor Groningen University); Dr Marta Morvillo (University of Amsterdam); Dr Lucas Roorda (Utrecht University); Daniela Garcia-Caro Briceno, MSc (Erasmus University)

Size and scope of dissertation: the length and structure of a dissertation; clear choices in the research proposal (e.g., research question, subquestions, methods etc); experiences with relatively short dissertations compared to dissertations of a larger size.

Workshop leader: Professor Sanne Taekema (Erasmus Universiteit)

Workshop panelists: Professor Marijke Malsch (Open University); Professor Kiki Brölmann (University of Amsterdam); Dr Lisa Ansems (Leiden University); Wiebe Hommes, LLM (University of Amsterdam); Marilou Hubers, LLM (Maastricht University)

In the closing panel, Directors of the Graduate Schools, Vice deans of Research and PhD researchers will reflect on the outcome from the workshops and discuss about how to further stimulate healthy PhD culture. The findings of the conference will be shared afterwards with all attendees, the boards and policy advisors of the Dutch Law Schools. For an overview of the members of the closing panel, see below.


Professor Britta van Beers

Director Graduate School, VU Amsterdam

Professor Stefaan van den Bogaert

Vice Dean of Research, Leiden University

Professor Monica Claes

Vice Dean of Research, Maastricht University

Daniela Garcia-Caro Briceno, MSc

PhD researcher, Erasmus University

Professor Anna Gerbrandy

Vice Dean of Research, Utrecht University

Sophie Harleman, LLM

PhD researcher, Utrecht University

Marilou Hubers, LLM

PhD researcher, Maastricht University

Hannah van Kolfschooten, LLM

PhD researcher, University of Amsterdam

Professor Marijke Malsch,

Vice Dean of Research, Open University

Elco Nab, LLM

PhD researcher, Radboud University

Dr Marloes van Noorloos

Deputy Director graduate school, Tilburg University

Professor Goran Sluiter

Vice Dean of Research, University of Amsterdam

Professor Albertjan Tollenaars

Director Graduate School, Groningen University

Professor Michael Veder

Vice Dean of Research, Radboud University

Professor Karin van Wingerde

Director Graduate School, Erasmus University

The conference will be in English, but two of the four workshops will be in Dutch. The conference will take place on the campus of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. However, a live stream will also be available. You can register on this page or by sending an email to You can also use this mail address for more information.


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